MOE and NIHERST to launch virtual tours and field trips

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MOE and NIHERST to launch virtual tours and field trips

The Ministry of Education is in talks with the National Institute of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (Niherst) to launch a series of virtual tours and field trips.

Education Ministry CEO Lisa Henry-David revealed this plan during a virtual joint select committee meeting on local authorities, service commissions and statutory authorities on Wednesday.

Henry-David said “We are looking at the possibility now of virtual tours and virtual field trips so all of our children can now access the beauty and wonders of our country and they can understand how the classroom science that is in the textbook is brought to life.”

She said the initiative seeks to “take advantage of the strides made in the switch to online learning” amid the Covid19 pandemic and it “can add value to numerous subject areas.”

Niherst president Marlene Lord-Lewis is hoping the tours and field trips can be launched within the next three months.