Lutchmedial: Several factors to look at before gov’t can mandate vaccinations

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Lutchmedial: Several factors to look at before gov’t can mandate vaccinations

In light of the Prime Minister’s comments on Thursday, in which he stated that a decision will have to be made on the issue of mandatory Covdi9 jabs, Opposition Senator, Jayanti Lutchmedial said consultation will have to be done first, as there are several factors to be addressed if mandatory vaccinations is to be achieve..

Lutchmedial, in a GML interview said, “We believe that there is need for consultation on this matter and as I said on Monday, with the phased reopening of certain businesses starting on Monday, it’s disappointing that we have no idea what Government’s policy or plan entails.

She said, “If they are indeed looking at making the vaccine mandatory by law, I think they must address the issue of timing (as we have not vaccinated a substantial portion of the population yet), the fact that vaccines have only received emergency use approval and not full approval, the question of boosters and their necessity in the future and the fact that there is interference with fundamental rights, so a legislative measure must pass the proportionality test.

“Interference with individual rights and freedoms is permissible of course, once it is reasonably justifiable,” she said.

Lutchmedial added, “They must also address their minds to the public service and how they will implement such a measure. This is a conversation that should have started a long time ago.”