IATF arrest four in Couva for illegal arms and ammunition


IATF arrest four in Couva for illegal arms and ammunition

Four people were arrested by police at a house in Couva on Thursday morning. The three men and one woman were ar­rest­ed af­ter po­lice discovered sev­er­al guns, am­mu­ni­tion and drugs in the house .­ A team of of­fi­cers from the Cou­va CID, Mul­ti Op­er­a­tional Po­lice Squad (MOPS) and the In­ter-Agency Task Force of­fi­cers of the Cen­tral Di­vi­sion acting on in­tel­li­gence went to a house at Bal­main Gar­dens at about 6 am where they car­ried out a search.

The of­fi­cers discovered the stash of four guns, an undis­closed quan­ti­ty of am­mu­ni­tion and a quan­ti­ty of mar­i­jua­na in the house. The officers also confiscated a sum of cash in the house.

The four arrested , whose ages ranged be­tween 20 to 27-years-old were sub­se­quent­ly ar­rest­ed and ex­pect­ed to be charged with the illegal possession of arms and ammunition.