Twelve To Fifteen Year Olds In Britain To Get Final Say Over Covid Jab If Disagreement With Parents Occurs.


Twelve To Fifteen Year Olds In Britain To Get Final Say Over Covid Jab If Disagreement With Parents Occurs.

COVID-19 vaccines for healthy children aged between 12 and 15 are not being recommended by the United Kingdom’s vaccine advisory body.

However, the country’s four chief medical officers are currently reviewing the matter further.

Sajid Javid said where an agreement to take up the offer of a vaccine cannot be reached between parents and children, a child’s decision “will prevail”.

The health secretary told Sky News consent will be sought from parents of 12 to 15-year-olds over COVID jabs as it has been “for decades”, but that if a child is believed to be competent enough to make the decision themselves, they “will prevail”.