Permission granted! UNC activist wins right to challenge CoP over public march request

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Permission granted! UNC activist wins right to challenge CoP over public march request

It was a win in the courts for UNC activist Victor Roberts on Thursday, as he was granted permission to challenge the Police Commissioner’s decision to deny him a permit for a public march last December.

The ruling was handed down by Justice Frank Seepersad.

Roberts also complained about the commissioner’s delay in arriving at the decision, and of a failure to provide written reasons, for the refusal to grant the permit.

Justice Seepersad granted Roberts leave to pursue his judicial review application against the commissioner.

Roberts is seeking several declarations and damages for breach of freedom of thought and expression, and freedom of association and assembly.

Roberts’ lawsuit states that on December 2nd, he applied for a permit for a march to be held on December 10th with the aim of highlighting the perceived threats to democratic institutions and abuse of public office.

After days of waiting and back and forth with the police, he was eventually told on the evening before the march that his application was denied.

His attorneys made a formal request for reasons, and the lawsuit also said after he held a news conference at which he and his attorney criticised the police, a news release was issued by the police saying he had been granted conditional approval.

The release also said the police were informed he had cancelled the march, but Roberts’s lawsuit said this release contradicted what he was told by the police.