OWTU heading to Court over Unilever

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OWTU heading to Court over Unilever

The Oilfields Workers Trade Union (OWTU) is adamant that it will not standby and allow the jobs of 170 employees of Unilever to be terminated, in addition to not being able to receive benefits which are due to them by Law.

Roget this is a continuation of a trend of many employers in recent months, which will not be tolerated: “It’s a mad rush to send workers home. Several months ago, there was restructuring of the company. People met with the union to ensure there was cooperation with the company to have no displacement of workers. There are options to ensure workers’ jobs are preserved. They (Unilever) said they can no longer continue with the number of workers. No union likes to discuss sending home workers. If workers are sent home, it would add to the situation where thousands of workers (Yara/Petrotrin/TSTT/TCL) are losing their jobs.”

Braving inclement weather OWTU President General Ancel Roget, led a protest outside Unilever compound, Champs Fleurs. Roget also said it was unfair for the company to send employees home, only to later then outsource labour to get the same job done. Comrade Roget was joined by the OWTU’s first vice-president Ricky Benny, education and research officer Ozzi Warwick and general secretary Richard Lee.