Category: Parliament

1 11 12 13 14 15 32 130 / 311 POSTS
Finance Minister assures Property Tax will not be retroactive

Finance Minister assures Property Tax will not be retroactive

Property owners can give a sigh of relief as the Finance Minister Colm [...]
Lower House passes Local Government Validation Bill

Lower House passes Local Government Validation Bill

Despite one objection from the Opposition, the Municipal Corporations [...]
$7.8b in VAT refunds owed to businesses as of March

$7.8b in VAT refunds owed to businesses as of March

Approximately $7.8 billion in Value Added Tax (VAT) refunds is owed to [...]
PM to address Lower House today on Privy Council ruling

PM to address Lower House today on Privy Council ruling

Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley will address the Lower House today on [...]
Heritage and Stabilisation Fund stands at over $5B

Heritage and Stabilisation Fund stands at over $5B

The Heritage and Stabilisation Fund is now valued at 5.4 billion US do [...]
Motion of Privileges filed against the AG

Motion of Privileges filed against the AG

For what they describe as his "contempt of the Parliament and abuse of [...]
1 11 12 13 14 15 32 130 / 311 POSTS