Additional sailing of the Galleons Passage

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Additional sailing of the Galleons Passage

There will be an additional sailing of the Galleons Passage on Friday 13th November 2020.

The announcement was made late yesterday by the Trinidad and Tobago Inter-island Transportation Company Limited (TTIT).

The Galleons sailings will take place as follows:
FROM POS – 8.00 AM

The TITT also asked the travelling public to adhere to the guidelines implemented at the ferry service to contain the spread of COVID-19:

*Wear face masks at all times whilst on the Port’s compound and during sailings.

*Undergo temperature screening exercise prior to entering our port terminals and ferries.

*Anyone exhibiting flu-like symptoms (fever, coughing, sneezing etc.) are not allowed to enter the terminals without proof of medical assessment.

*Wash/sanitize hands at the wash stations installed at the terminals or use the sanitization stations to sanitize hands.

*Practice proper social distancing in the terminal environment, terminals and on the ferries.

Persons are reminded to avoid congregating and any close contact with persons in the queue.
*Restrict movement on the vessels during sailings.