Venezuelan woman and baby found locked up in Arima home; search on for ex-soldier

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Venezuelan woman and baby found locked up in Arima home; search on for ex-soldier

A Venezuelan woman and her eight-month-old baby were rescued from an Arima property on Tuesday, after they were locked up like prisoners.

A search is now underway for the man who imprisoned them – a former solider.

According to reports, the victims were rescued around 11 am by two police officers who were alerted by residents who responded to the cries for help.

Residents said they saw the woman move into the property at Mt Pleasant Road, Arima, on May 17 and did not see her all weekend.

However, around 10.30 am yesterday, a young man walking past the property heard the woman screaming and then observed her peeking from behind a steel door and banging on it from the inside.

The man was unable to understand her and then decided to notify the police.

When officers arrived at the scene, they confirmed that the woman and her child were being held against their will by the former serviceman, who reportedly left the house around 7 am.

The officers gained entry by breaking the locks.

The woman and baby were later taken to a safe house.