NTA urges RIC to reconsider proposed electricity cost increases

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NTA urges RIC to reconsider proposed electricity cost increases

The National Transformation Alliance (NTA) is strongly encouraging the Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (TTEC) to revisit the recently approved electricity cost increases sanctioned by the Regulated Industries Commission (RIC).

In a release from NTA Director Legal, Joan Byrne on Friday morning, the NTA acknowledged that Trinidad and Tobago is currently privileged to enjoy some of the lowest electricity rates in the Caribbean, and that this has been a source of pride for our nation.

However, she said recent challenges faced by the citizenry have led them to advocate for reassessment of the necessity of a rate increase, and the timing of its implementation.

“One primary concern is the stark reality of crime rates that this nation faces. We understand that security is paramount, and many households rely on increased electricity consumption for indoor and outdoor security lighting, alarm systems etc.”

“Furthermore, we urge TTEC to consider the economic landscape that Trinidad and Tobago is navigating, and with increased fuel and food prices already battering the increasing cohort of the working poor, the impending implementation of property tax and the associated trickle-down effect of price hikes in goods and services in 2024 will undoubtedly create an additional financial burden for the already stretched citizens, which may see huge swaths of citizens, struggle to keep their heads above water.”

The NTA said: “This is especially egregious to citizens since many feel they are being punished for years of sustained mismanagement which saw state entities owing T&TEC some 1.4 billion dollars, which was the figure confirmed as of May 31st 2023. Further, owing 1.4 billion but asking citizens to use coal pots and ride bicycles cannot be a reasonable or even humane response.
The NTA is cognizant of the complexities involved in energy management and cost considerations. However, we also believe in a balanced approach that values the well-being and security of our citizens, this is why we urge collaboration with all concerned parties and the regulatory bodies, to explore alternatives that maintain a harmonious equilibrium between affordability and sustainability.”