MoE, TTPS to work together to deal with student truancy

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MoE, TTPS to work together to deal with student truancy

Police may soon begin visiting the homes of school dropouts to ensure they return to classes.

The Ministry of Education (MoE) is working closely with the police service and its Student Support Services Division (SSSD) to deal with truancy.

In a release yesterday, it said the process involves teachers and the SSSD reaching out to parents. If this fails, police will locate the families and return the students to school.

The MoE said it also shared information on students who repeatedly exhibited school indiscipline with the MNS, Ministry of Youth Development and National Service and the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services.

“This is currently the subject of a targeted task force from the Ministry of Youth Development and National Service. These students, however, remain a part of the school system and continue to receive the support of the SSSD staff at their schools,” the MoE said.

The strategy is part of the MoE’s Cabinet-approved Framework for Revised Operations in 26 secondary schools and 80 primary schools announced last July 19. The aim is to increase student achievement and equity of educational opportunity in these schools.

Measures include making Technical and Vocational Education and Training subjects available from Form 1, which began last September and expanded to 80 primary schools last November.

The MoE’s remedies include implementation of the annual School Development Plan, efficient appointment and training of heads of departments, deans, principals and vice principals, recognition of learning disabilities and assignment of school social workers.