Attorney General Reginald Armour says the ban on scrap metal exports will now end 1 month early.
This he says is the result of the planned passage of a bill to regulate the industry.
Mr Armour made the comment while speaking at a press conference this morning following a meeting with industry stakeholders.
The AG revealed that a draft bill was sent to Cabinet yesterday and he hopes it will be passed into law before end of this year so the industry can restart.
He explained that the bill seeks to give the Ministry of Trade oversight of the industry.
The Ag added that all stakeholders will also now have to be licensed and an inspector will be appointed to ensure the Industry standards and laws are abided with.
Mr Armour added that the ban will remain however on copper exports for at least 1 further year to discourage the theft of telecommunication cables and similar items.
The ban came about after a spate of thefts of these cables which led to failures in communications infrastructure throughout the country.