Former SSA Director Major Roger Best fired as director of the SSA with immediate effect

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Former SSA Director Major Roger Best fired as director of the SSA with immediate effect

Suspended Strategic Services Agency director (SSA)Major Roger Best has now been fired as director of the SSA with immediate effect yesterday. Minister of National Security Fitzgerald Hinds issued a press release last evening advising the population that the Cabinet had met earlier yesterday on the matter.
Best, who was on suspension, remained in police custody with four others up to last night being questioned in relation to allegations of illegal transferring of firearms.

The Ministry of National Security release said: “The Cabinet of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago met earlier today and took the decision to advise the Acting President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, His Excellency, Nigel de Freitas, to terminate the appointment of Major (Ret’d) Roger Best, as Director of the Strategic Services Agency (SSA) with immediate effect.”

Officers from the Professional Standards Bureau (PSB) consulted the Director of Public Prosecutions Roger Gaspard, SC, yesterday afternoon for instructions on how to proceed in the matter.
Senior sources said investigators were considering charges of misbehaviour in public office and possession of four prohibited firearms.