9 TTPS officers quarantined after station incident

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9 TTPS officers quarantined after station incident

A Covid-19-positive woman who may have exposed officers at a police station to Covid 19, has led to nine police officers being placed in quarantine.

The incident is said to have occurred at the Valencia police post on Tuesday afternoon, when the woman went to make a report following a conflict at her home with family members.

The woman did not disclose to officers at the station that she was Covid-positive to the officers and in quarantine. While making the report her two siblings later came to the police post and an argument, turned physical confrontation ensued in front police officers at the station.

The altercation erupted onto the the road and then back into the charge room, before officers were able to separate the three and quell the disturbance.

it was only after this , that officers discovered that the woman was Covid positive and they had been exposed.
Public health protocols were immediately enforced and the officers placed on quarantine and are being monitored.

No chances are being taken as the TTPS has already lost 14 officers to the deadly virus.