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170 Million in traffic fines paid between 2011-2015

The state has col­lect­ed $170.9 mil­lion in fines paid by delin­quent dri­vers through traf­fic of­fences and vi­o­la­tions be­tween 2011 and 2015 on the na­tion’s roads.

This in addition to over 120,489 tick­ets that re­mained un­paid in the courts for this same pe­ri­od.

Amendments to T&T road and traffic Laws will see the use of speed spot cam­eras, penal­ties for late pay­ment of tick­ets, red light cam­eras and law en­force­ment of­fi­cers us­ing hand­held de­vices to is­sue elec­tron­ic tick­ets radio frequency liscence plates and more. In many instances the opportunity for traffic tick­ets will no longer being paid at the courts and mo­torists can have their dri­ver’s per­mits sus­pend­ed.

He also gave information on data from the Ju­di­cia­ry which showed the to­tal rev­enue col­lect­ed on traf­fic of­fences and vi­o­la­tions in the courts for the five-year pe­ri­od stood at $170,922,332.

The num­ber of tick­ets paid stood at 172,769 com­pared to the 289,140 tick­ets that were hand­ed out by law en­force­ment of­fi­cers.