You Can Now Hide Like Counts on Instagram and Facebook


You Can Now Hide Like Counts on Instagram and Facebook

Facebook and Instagram are giving more control to users over their content, feed and privacy.

This week they announced new tools such as a Feed Filter Bar, Favourite Feed and Choose Who Can Comment, which aim to give people more ways to control what they see on their news feeds.

Facebook has been working on another new tool that allows users to filter offensive content from their DMS, and they have been testing hiding-like counts over the past months.

The hiding like counts tool is “beneficial for some and annoying to others”, says Facebook.

They added, “We’re giving you the option to hide like counts on all posts in your feed. You’ll also have the option to hide like counts on your own posts, so others can’t see how many likes your posts get. This way, if you like, you can focus on the photos and videos being shared, instead of how many likes posts get.”

According to Facebook, “changing the way people view like counts is a big shift.”