“Following two weeks of rigorous debate and questioning, it is clear that this Rowley-led administration remains intent on making life difficult for citizens of this country.”
This according to the United National Congress, in a media release issued this evening, saying the “Opposition abstains from voting for an oppressive budget.”
The UNC said “they cannot in good conscience vote for a budget that will inflict pain on the most vulnerable in our society.”
The Opposition also said that the government refused to account to citizens over the billions of dollars spent in the last fiscal year.
This they say “is in complete contradiction to the responsibility of the government to be transparent in how public funds are used.”
The UNC accused the Government of creating the budget around “additional hardships for the ordinary citizens while making life easier for their three F’s – Friends, Families, and Financiers.”
They also claim that property tax to motor vehicle taxes, would lead to more job losses and loss of income for people, and says “the opposition could never support such oppressive backward policies.”
“While people are being told to tighten their belts, curb their tastes, and do more with less, the government’s wanton and wasteful spending continues. Just yesterday we learned of millions being spent to outfit a building owned by the family of the Attorney General. This, while funding was cut for critical services such as flood prevention and mitigation.”
“We agree that the nation must run but the priorities of this Rowley regime remain distorted and will do nothing to grow the economy or improve the quality of people’s lives, said the United National Congress.