T&TEC Assures No Generalised Issue Of Low Voltage Problems On Electricity Grid

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T&TEC Assures No Generalised Issue Of Low Voltage Problems On Electricity Grid

There is no generalised issue of low voltage problems on the electricity grid.

The Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission says voltage fluctuations occur from time to time.

However, incoming reports are treated as an emergency and resolved within the requisite times stipulated by the Regulated Industries Commission.

It says voltage fluctuations may have various triggers.

From the customer’s side of the connection this is typically caused by sudden increases in their load, above what the building has been designed for, such as the installation of air condition units or other high load equipment and appliances.

Customers are encouraged to utilise the services of a licensed electrician before making such changes.

Customers who experience voltage fluctuations are encouraged to make a formal report to T&TEC so immediate investigation can be done.

T&TEC’s call centre operates 24/7 and can be reached at 800 TTEC(8832) or 800 BULB (2852).

A full list of the RIC’s Standards for Electricity Service is available on the T&TEC website for the education of all customers: https://ttec.co.tt/default/electricity-standards