The quick action of Western Division Task Force (WDTF) officers on mobile patrol led to the arrest of a Diego Martin teen on Tuesday 19th October, 2021. Investigations into the incident that involved a cell phone being snatched from a woman on St Lucien Road resulted in the 16-year-old young man being charged with robbery yesterday. He appeared in Juvenile Court the same day.
At around 11 am on Tuesday 19th October, 2021 a woman exited the compound of a secondary school in Diego Martin. While walking along St. Lucien Road and talking on her Samsung A70 cell phone valued at $2,500, she allegedly felt someone grab her left hand and try to take the phone away from her. She allegedly struggled with the assailant who eventually pulled the phone from her hand and ran off.
A report was made to PCs Hollingsworth, Taylor, and Myers of the Western Division Task Force, who were on mobile patrol in the area. They continued patrolling and proceeded to Andrew Trace, Diego Martin where they saw a young man allegedly fitting the description given by the victim. They approached and cautioned the teen who then allegedly handed over the victim’s cell phone to the officers. He was arrested and taken to the West End Criminal Investigations Department (CID). He was subsequently charged by WPC Patrick on Friday 22nd October, 2021.
The investigation was led by Insp Grant, supervised by Ag Sgt Brisbane, and conducted by Ag Cpl Huggins and WPC Patrick.