PSA audit flags unusually high frequency of reimbursements to Duke

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PSA audit flags unusually high frequency of reimbursements to Duke

President of the Public Services Association’s (PSA) Watson Duke has distanced himself from the results of an audit on the association’s finances.

Ordered by the High Court in January 2020, the leaked audit report shows overspending that exceeded income by $6.3 million in the last four years, questionable procurement practices, as well as a pension plan in limbo. It also flagged an unusually high frequency of reimbursements to PSA President Watson Duke.

The audit of the years 2014 and 2015 was done by chartered accountants E Augustus Alexander and Company.

According to a GML report, the auditors identified “Reportable conditions include matters coming to our attention relating to deficiencies in the design or operation of the internal control structure that, in our judgement, could adversely affect the entity’s ability to record, process, summarise and report financial data consistent with the assertions of management,” the audit stated.

In response to the audit report’s findings, Duke said, “The PSA is a sovereign organisation that exists within the framework of its constitution. This matter, and all financial matters, falls within the ambit of the PSA’s General Council (financial body) and no one else.”

The GML report further states that based on claims of former and current members, Duke has long been making financial decisions without monthly general council meetings, financial committee meetings or the annual conference of delegates–as required in the union’s constitution.