Police Welfare Association addresses the issue of promotion within the TTPS

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Police Welfare Association addresses the issue of promotion within the TTPS

Police Social and Welfare Association Head Gideon Dickson says promotion in the TTPS is a sensitive issue.

He said because there are fewer vacancies than persons qualified.

He made the comment in reference to an article in the Express Newspaper yesterday that stated almost a month after Commissioner of Police Erla Christopher promoted 859 constables to the rank of Corporal they are yet to receive their letters of confirmation and their scores.

The article noted the reason for the delay was a request for an audit into the merit list however TTPS sources were unable to specify what provoked the audit.

Speaking on the Power Breakfast Show this morning, ASP Dickson sought to clear up what he described as a misrepresentation of the facts in the article.

He said that there had indeed been promotions within the TTPS.

He said the Commissioner has within her powers to create departmental orders which would govern how points are allocated to eligible officers.

He stated under regulation 20 of the service regulations three areas have been identified by which points are allocated to the officers, performance appraisal, examination scores and interviews.

He went on to explain that the board sought to ensure an even field for all eligible officers and even interviewed those officers in the prison system who have not been convicted but awaiting their day in court.

He said some of these officers also made the merit list.

He maintained though that officers could make the merit list but not be confirmed and explained what happens in this instance.