PM Rowley’s Easter message: “Recognize the limitations of our humanity and undertake our personal spiritual journey.”

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PM Rowley’s Easter message: “Recognize the limitations of our humanity and undertake our personal spiritual journey.”

Trinidad and Tobago is being urged to recognize the limitations of our humanity and undertake our personal spiritual journey.
This advice comes from Prime Minister, Dr Keith Rowley, in his message to Trinidad and Tobago on the occasion of Easter.
Dr Rowley says today is a glorious day to return to God, to reaffirm the presence of the Almighty in your life and start the inner journey.

The Prime Minister says it is a glorious period for the Christian community, which on Thursday recounted Christ’s Last Supper, his agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, his betrayal, and abandonment, then his trial, humiliation, and crucifixion on Good Friday.
Today is his resurrection, which Christians celebrate as His return to remind his disciples to spread His word throughout the land.

On another matter, Dr Rowley says many among us feel alienated; they live close to us, yet remain separate, unknown, indifferent and strangers in our neighbourhoods, our workplace, the market, and the church.

He says urban living has meant the loss of a sense of community living adding many people just exist – living lonely and alone lives, without friendly connections, carrying daily empty feelings, adrift in a spinning secular world.
At the same time, there are reports of a decline in church attendance and organized worship but prayer and divine worship have been part of man’s emotional health, and historical existence.