PM and Opposition respond to President’s scathing comments on Monday

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PM and Opposition respond to President’s scathing comments on Monday

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley responded to comments from President Paula Mae Weekes yesterday.

Weekes took politicians to task during her speech at the opening of Parliament on Monday.

Her Excellency called on politicians to put aside differences, display maturity and adopt a collaborative approach to get the nation’s business done.

During a reception following the adjournment of the sitting Prime Minister Dr Rowley said there was nothing new to it, Parliamentarians are accustomed to Presidents telling them how they should behave but he did think that our Parliament is among the worst.

Dr Rowley expressed the view that this country’s Parliament is “quite tamed” compared to others. He did, however, acknowledge that there is work to be done.

The Prime Minister felt what the President was saying was that she felt that more work can be done if there was less unnecessary acrimony and more collaboration.

But according to Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar, the whole notion of opposing Members of Parliament working together is easier said than done.

She said if they all spoke with one voice it would be both boring and unreal.

She explained that the Opposition’s role in Parliament is to hold the Government to account.

Persad-Bissessar maintained that the members on her side are patriotic.

But Persad-Bissessar did agree that there can be improvements made.