Vidya Lal, the mother of the 16-year-old boy who was assaulted by a group of students of the Carapichaima East Secondary School on Monday, is calling for his attackers to be held accountable.
Lal has also vowed to remove her son Rasheed from the school.
She made the statements during a press conference hosted by the Concerned Parents’ Movement at Jenny’s on the Boulevard, Port-of-Spain.
Lal said her son is badly wounded, adding: “All I want right now is justice for my son. Right now, my son in a lot of pain, his ribs, the back of his ear, his head, and nobody saying or doing anything for my child.”
She also expressed her gratitude toward maxi taxi driver Varindra Singh, who stepped in and provided her son with assistance.
Lal said, if it wasn’t for Singh, her son may not have survived.
“My son would have been dead because my son is 16 years and he’s (Singh) an adult and the way how they beat him, it would have been my child.”
On Monday, Singh was waiting for students outside Carapichaima East Secondary when a group of students entered his vehicle and dragged Rasheed out and beat him. When Singh intervened, he too was beaten by the gang of students.
It is said that the incident stemmed from an altercation earlier that day, in which Rasheed came to the defence of a female student.
Lal said: This was very unfair, because it wasn’t one on one – it was a gang.
“They didn’t want to beat my child, they wanted to kill my child. Because it could never be all these children for one child and the van driver.”
She noted: “I am not sending my child back to that school. Never. After I saw what happened…he’s out of school for now.
The incident is now under police investigation.