Minister Ayanna Webster-Roy has said the victims of alleged sexual abuse at  Couva Children’s Home & Crisis Nursery have been removed from that facility.

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Minister Ayanna Webster-Roy has said the victims of alleged sexual abuse at Couva Children’s Home & Crisis Nursery have been removed from that facility.

Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) Ayanna Webster-Roy has said the victims of alleged sexual abuse at the Couva Children’s Home and Crisis Nursery have been removed from that facility.
Minister Webster-Roy made this statement in the House of Representatives on May 24, in response to a question from Couva South MP Rudranath Indarsingh.
Reports about alleged sexual abuse at the home first came to the attention of the Child and Gender Affairs Division of the OPM on May 13, on that same day, the matter was referred to the Child Protection Unit (CPU) of the TT Police Service (TTPS) and the Children’s Authority.
Webster-Roy reported to the House that the children involved in this matter were removed by the CPU of the TTPS as well as the Children’s Authority and they are receiving the necessary psycho-social support.
Statements from the home’s manager and caregivers about the incidents said there had been 25 alleged incidents against 11 children and two of the home’s dogs since 2018, as reported by the home’s manager, who also claimed upper management blocked attempts to have the boy transferred out of the home.
The Children’s Authority issued a statement saying it was working closely with the police to investigate and had provided psychological support to the minor in question and taken steps to protect the other children.