Caribbean Airlines (CAL) is not making a lot of money and as such, the request by pilots for a 10% wage increase is unrealistic.
That’s according to Labour Minister Stephen Mc Clashie.
The minister, in a GML interview, said the pilots body, TTALPA, must consider the company’s ability to pay and what is the national norm.
Mc Clashie, who is reported to be holding a conciliatory meeting with CAL and the union next Wednesday, said Government has been clear on what it can afford.
“We have, in all instances and in many jurisdictions, maintained four per cent. The negotiations between Caribbean Airlines and the pilots: they are still negotiating because there are several other issues for which they may have trade-offs. Therefore, it is not quite settled, and one cannot pronounce on it yet,” Mc Clashie said.
“We have not gotten involved because nobody has actually come to the ministry and said we need your intervention. Until there is a dispute, at that time, they can refer it to the Ministry of Labour. Both parties are still speaking, so it is not considered a dispute, at this time, for the Ministry of Labour to get involved,” Mc Clashie said.
Mc Clashie called on the pilots to keep the dialogue open and not create more issues that bring CAL into disrepute and show T&T in “a particular light”. He also asked them to consider the travelling public and their investments.