Indian Contractor paid to pave a road…puts down a carpet instead

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Indian Contractor paid to pave a road…puts down a carpet instead

A contractor in India is in trouble after it was discovered that instead of paving a road, he laid down a roll of carpet and covered it with a mixture of pitch, gravel, sand, and soil.

The residents in Maharashtra, India were given assurances of a well-designed road, after complaining for years about using dirt roads.

The construction of a road was eventually carried out as part of the Prime Minister’s Rural Road Scheme.

The contractor which was selected, claimed to employ German technology for the construction of the road.

However, the residents soon discovered that this claim was deceptive, as they had merely implemented a makeshift solution.

Soon after the new “road” was opened, one keen eyed resident noticed a space between the road and the dirt below it and upon further investigation realised that he was able to “lift up” the road.

It was then realized that rather than paving the road, the contractor seemingly filled the holes and flattened the area before purchasing a carpet like material and laying it on the dirt road.

They then covered it with a mixture of pitch, gravel, sand and soil to make it appear paved.

Officials from the construction department, as well as the contractor involved in the project are being investigated.