EMA Voices Concern Regarding Covid-19 Waste

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EMA Voices Concern Regarding Covid-19 Waste

The Environmental Management Authority is joining the global voices who have expressed concern regarding the growing issue of COVID-19 waste.

The World Health Organization recently called for urgent improvements in waste management systems considering the tens of thousands of tonnes of extra medical waste produced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The WHO warned in a report the massive amount of COVID-19 related healthcare waste placed tremendous strain on waste management systems worldwide, threatening human and environmental health.

In 2021, Trinidad and Tobago enacted the Waste Management Rules, 2021 and Waste Management Fees Regulations, 2021.

These Rules, which will come into operation from May 31, 2022, represent a positive step forward in the country’s environmental development agenda.

They establish a legal framework to improve national waste management, including hazardous and non-hazardous waste.

Through these Rules, generators and handlers of waste must apply for and obtain permits before carrying out their waste-related activities.

These rules apply to the generation, processing, treatment, packaging, storage, transportation, collection, disposal, recovery, recycling, or other related waste treatment other than radioactive waste.