Betting shops to reopen in October

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Betting shops to reopen in October

Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh has announced that betting shops will be reopened next month under the TT safe zone initiative, which requires patrons and employees to provide proof of vaccination.

Under the authorization of Prime Minister, Dr Keith Rowley, he said, shops under the Bookmakers Association will be allowed to reopen in October. He asked that employers ensure that their staff are vaccinated before reopening.

Deyalsingh said, “I have been authorized by the honourable prime minister to say that the following industry will be a part of the TT safe zone in October, in addition to the casinos, restaurants and so on, the betting shops under the Bookmakers Association of Trinidad and Tobago will be allowed to open when the Prime Minister presses that particular trigger or buzzer under the TT safe zone arrangement.”

“We ask persons in those safe zones which are gearing up to be open once numbers look good to get all your employees vaccinated, that is part of the proposal. Everyone working in a racing pool, betting shop, with the Bookmaker’s Association of Trinidad and Tobago please urge your employees to be vaccinated because you would have to provide some sort of proof of vaccination for your employees as we move forward.”