Anthony Vieira files motion against UNC Senators

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Anthony Vieira files motion against UNC Senators

Independent Senator Anthony Vieira has filed a motion for debate seeking to censure Opposition senators for their comments during the stormy October 21 sitting of the Electoral College and for statements made in the media thereafter.
His motion also calls for a Select Committee to be established to consider and report on a code of ethical conduct and behaviour for senators.
The motion was received by Parliament on October 28 and released on Tuesday.
It has been accepted for debate by the Senate President and qualifies to be raised next Tuesday (November 9).
There are six Opposition senators, nine Independents and 16 Government senators who will have to vote on the motion.
The development follows the fiery meeting of the Electoral College – involving members of the Upper and Lower Houses of Parliament – on October 21 to vote on the Opposition’s motion seeking to remove President Paula-Mae Weekes over the Police Service Commission fiasco.
Before the motion was defeated by a combination of Government and Independent senators’ votes, the Opposition lodged queries repeatedly on the process, protested the statements of the Speaker of the House – who chaired the sitting- and complained about the microphones being turned off.