A UNC MP Calls For Transformation In the Political Party

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A UNC MP Calls For Transformation In the Political Party

Another call is made by a UNC Member of Parliament for Kamla Persad Bissessar to step down from the leadership position.

The latest appeal comes from MP for Naparima, Rodney Charles.

He said the plea is not about him but ensuring younger visionaries of the political party get the opportunity to be a part of what he described as servant leaders.

Speaking at a news briefing on Friday, MP Charles said moving forward it cannot be the same leadership style used in the past.

Charles is of the view the best and brightest future prospects must be allowed to demonstrate the transformation needed for the UNC to survive the political landscape of Trinidad and Tobago.

Charles said the UNC cannot take anything for granted moving forward and must do what is required to stay active, relevant and vibrant.

He warned no one in the UNC should seek to hold on to power but give space for future leaders who possess positive attributes.