UNC urges PM to immediately release “unsanitised” report from Paria diving CoE

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UNC urges PM to immediately release “unsanitised” report from Paria diving CoE

The United National Congress (UNC) is calling on the Prime Minister to see the immediate release of the “unsanitised” report from the Commission of Enquiry (CoE) into the Paria diving tragedy.

The report details the circumstances surrounding the death in February, 2022 of four divers, who died after they were sucked into and trapped in a pipeline they were working on.

A fifth diver, Christopher Boodram, survived and was a key witness in the CoE.

The report was submitted by the Commission to President Christine Kangaloo last Friday, and likely contains recommendations by the chairman Jerome Lynch, KC.

Speaking at a UNC cottage meeting on Monday night, Persad-Bissessar said she fears the report will end up being hidden, as she accused the PNM of doing with other reports.

She also objected to the fact that over $15 million had been spent on the enquiry, “and counting,” while “shamefully, not one black or red cent was given to the families.”