UNC Promises To Reverse Anti-Worker Measures If Given Chance To Do So

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UNC Promises To Reverse Anti-Worker Measures If Given Chance To Do So

Several promises are being made by the United National Congress ahead of Wednesday’s Labour Day Observance and Public Holiday.

UNC says it will reverse what it describes as dangerous anti-worker measures if it is returned to office, as well as ensure an independent collective bargaining process.

It is also promising to also review the laws in relation to essential services, to make them consistent with the conventions and recommendations of the International Labour Organization.

The political party is also recommitting itself to fundamental Labour reform measures, including a comprehensive revision of the Industrial Relations Act, an overhauling of the archaic Retrenchment and Severance Benefits Act inclusive of the establishment of the Severance Fund Regime, and a Basic Conditions of Work regime under the well-established ILO principle of Tripartism and Social Dialogue.

It cites issues such as rising prices, deteriorating working and living conditions, increased unemployment, widespread poverty, massive increases in the cost of living and the imposition of numerous oppressive and repressive taxes.

It claims the ordinary working man and woman, through unity and determination, can change oppressive political and economic systems by fighting for their rights of dignity, fairness, equality and justice.