TTUTA calling on MoE to address issues at four schools

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TTUTA calling on MoE to address issues at four schools

The Trinidad and Tobago Unified Teachers Association says it is gravely concerned with the situation at four particular schools in T&T.

In a statement on Wednesday, TTUTA President Martin Lum Kin says the Palmiste Government Primary School saw an ad hoc and disorganized relocation, with the Principal required to simultaneously manage two separate compounds, kilometres apart.

He also noted the St. Therese RC Primary School whose compound is being shared with the Poole RC Primary School.

Meanwhile, Mr Lum Kin says the L’Anse Noire Moravian Primary School is facing deteriorating infrastructure and equipment, while the St. Dominic’s Penal RC Primary School – which was decanted over seven years ago – continues to cope with a deteriorating building.

He adds that deteriorating furniture for teachers and students continues to be an issue at the majority of schools and claims that Primary Schools, Secondary Schools and District Offices have not received funding for the 2023/2024 academic year.

TTUTA is now calling on the Education Ministry to address the issues in an effective and timely manner.