TTPS tells citizens “Beware of Facebook Marketplace Scams”

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TTPS tells citizens “Beware of Facebook Marketplace Scams”

The TTPS Cyber and Social Media Unit (CSMU) has issued a warning regarding the prevalence of scams targeting unsuspecting online buyers, particularly those using Facebook Marketplace. Criminals are exploiting this platform to orchestrate robberies, a trend not unique to Trinidad and Tobago, but prevalent worldwide.

The CSMU expresses concern over numerous reported cases where individuals advertising goods online fall victim to robberies or more serious crimes after being deceived by criminals posing as buyers as well as sellers. These criminals arrange meet-ups under the guise of purchasing items, such as electronics or vehicles, advertised on Facebook Marketplace.

However, what initially appears as smooth transactions, takes a dangerous turn when the suspects brandish firearms and demand cash and other valuables from the victims.

The modus operandi often entails the seller creating fraudulent Facebook and Instagram accounts. It also includes communication initiated by a female via WhatsApp, luring victims to a specific location where two to three male accomplices, armed with firearms, carry out the robberies.

Despite these incidents, it’s crucial to emphasize that the CSMU is actively assisting investigators in the ongoing investigation of such occurrences.

While the CSMU does not dissuade the public from utilizing online advertising platforms, caution must be exercised to avoid becoming a victim.

“We strongly urge individuals to utilize designated “Safe Exchange Zones” when meeting up for transactions initiated through online market platforms. These areas, including police stations, well-lit areas, and those equipped with CCTV cameras, provide a safer environment for exchanges and reduce the risk of pre-staged robberies. It’s essential to be particularly cautious when dealing with individuals who refuse to meet at such locations.”

When conducting transactions on online marketplaces, consider the following safety tips:
– Review the profile of the buyer/seller for authenticity.
– Check for reviews or ratings that may indicate suspicious behavior.
– Be wary of unusually low prices, as they may signal a scam.
– Arrange meetings during daylight hours in public places with high foot traffic, avoiding isolated areas at all costs.
– Always inspect items before making payment and use secure payment options.
– Consider bringing a friend along for additional safety.
– Refrain from handing over items until payment is received.
– Avoid carrying substantial amounts of cash on your person.

“Your safety is paramount, and by remaining vigilant and following these precautions, we can collectively combat online scams and ensure safer transactions for all.”