TTPS Reminds Public Of Offences Which May Be Committed During Monday’s Polling Day

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TTPS Reminds Public Of Offences Which May Be Committed During Monday’s Polling Day

Adhere to the various stipulations and regulations in place which will last during the local government election on Monday.

This is message sent to the population by Head of the Northern Division, Senior Superintend, Kerwin Francis at the weekly TTPS  news briefing on Wednesday.

Superintend Francis listed some of the infractions which may occur on polling day such as the prohibition of music trucks, loud speakers, microphones and public address systems which cannot be used until two hours after the polls are closed.

Anyone who contravenes this section is liable on summary conviction to a fine of seven thousand, five hundred dollars or six months in prison.

The equipment use to carried out the offences will also be seized.

Other offences Superintended Francis highlighted was the use of banners or badges during the day of the poll , persons  who congregate near  polling stations and are not waiting to cast their ballots and the use of intoxicating liquor.