The National Transportation Association tells Gov’t roll back increase on gas prices or else!

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The National Transportation Association tells Gov’t roll back increase on gas prices or else!

The National Transportation Association has is telling the Government to roll back on the increase in fuel prices or face consequences.

The new Association consists of the heads of three associations involved in the transportation of goods and people.

The organisation is an amalgamation of transport workers including maxis, taxis, truckers and small transport service providers.

Facilitating the organisation’s launch was leader of the Progressive Empowerment Party (PEP), Phillip Alexander, who stated that with the country steering towards the increase in fuel prices, the new organisation will be lobbying to veer the move off course.

Alexander said a document outlining the group’s request will be delivered to the Minister of Transport, Minister of Finance and the Office of the Prime Minister today and the team will continue discussions.

He warned that if the NTA’s calls were not met in a timely manner, there would be consequences.

The PEP leader maintained that if the gas hike was given the green light without the NTA’s input, transport operations could grind to a halt.