Tag: stabbing

1 2 3 5 10 / 42 POSTS
Stabbing at PNM Sports day – 2 teens wounded

Stabbing at PNM Sports day – 2 teens wounded

The People’s National Movement Sports and Family Day in Skinner Park, [...]
Man stabs relative after he is denied money for cigarettes

Man stabs relative after he is denied money for cigarettes

A 64-year-old man has been hospitalised with multiple wounds, after he [...]
15-year-old boy stabbed to death in Enterprise

15-year-old boy stabbed to death in Enterprise

Police are investigating the stabbing death of a 15-year-old boy in En [...]
Teen stabbed, mother assaulted by students in Moruga

Teen stabbed, mother assaulted by students in Moruga

Moruga police are conducting enquiries into a report that six students [...]
MoE confirms 5 students stabbed at Palo Seco Secondary

MoE confirms 5 students stabbed at Palo Seco Secondary

Five students of the Palo Seco Government Secondary School were injure [...]
Relative who stabbed teen to death in Freeport surrenders to police

Relative who stabbed teen to death in Freeport surrenders to police

A father of five is now in police custody after he surrendered in conn [...]
Stabbing at Carapichaima bar – 48-year-old man killed

Stabbing at Carapichaima bar – 48-year-old man killed

A 48-year-old man was stabbed to death in Carapichaima on Saturday mor [...]
19-year-old man stabbed to death by woman

19-year-old man stabbed to death by woman

A young man was stabbed to death during an argument in Sangre Grande o [...]
Venezuelan teen stabbed by ex-boyfriend at Couva bar

Venezuelan teen stabbed by ex-boyfriend at Couva bar

A Venezuelan teen was stabbed by her ex-boyfriend while liming at a ba [...]
1 2 3 5 10 / 42 POSTS