Singer divorces Ghost after less than a year of marrige

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Singer divorces Ghost after less than a year of marrige

A singer who married what she claims was the ghost of a Victorian soldier has said they are divorced less than a year later.

The songwriter and performer, who goes only by the name Brocarde, said she first met “devilishly handsome” Edwardo when he “burst” into her bedroom “one dark and stormy night”.

According to Sky News, their spirited love affair hit the headlines when Brocarde announced they were to marry in a chapel on Halloween in 2022.

Brocarde posted a video of the ceremony on Instagram where she was seen wearing all black with an empty space where invisible Edwardo was said to have been standing.

However, shortly after they married, Brocarde said she was angry that her husband got too drunk on their honeymoon in Barry Island, Wales.

Brocarde added that Edwardo would become increasingly possessive and would switch between being “warm and intense” and threatening.