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Sea Lots man shot about the body while leaving QPS

A 31-year old Sea Lots man was shot and wounded while at the Queen’s Park Savannah on Saturday night.

Elvin Giddings aka Breast of Pioneer Drive in Sea Lots, was exiting the Savannah around 10:35pm, on the western side in the vicinity of Memorial park, when a man stepped out of a silver Nissan B-14 motor car and walked towards him.

On seeing the individual, Giddings began to run and then several shots were fired at him.

He collapsed to the ground and the suspect walked up and fired more shots at him before fleeing the scene.

An off-duty cop, identified as PC O’Neil assigned to the City Police Unit, was the scene, and he drove Giddings to the Port-of-Spain General Hospital. His condition is listed as stable.

Crime Scene Investigators found seven spent shells and one live round of 9mm ammunition at the scene.
Belmont police are probing the incident.