Rushton Paray’s United Patriots have conceded defeat to the Star team in yesterday’s UNC Natex elections.

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Rushton Paray’s United Patriots have conceded defeat to the Star team in yesterday’s UNC Natex elections.

Rushton Paray’s United Patriots have conceded defeat to the Star team in yesterday’s UNC Natex elections. With a voter turnout of approximately 17,000 based on the preliminary results, Paray’s team pledged to continue to remain loyal to the United National Congress: “The members of parliament who contested the election on our slate as well as the MP for Chaguanas West and the MP for Naparima commit to continuing to hold the failed and incompetent PNM government to account,”

At a news conference held this morning Paray questioned what he described as a low voter turnout: “If you said that there are 17 thousand people that came out to vote which is a high voter turnout, what about the other 100 thousand voters that did not see the importance of coming out and casting their vote?”

The Mayaro MP stated: “Despite the numerous irregularities encountered, we accept the results and the will of the membership of the party.”