Renewed call for women to be armed with non-lethal weapons following Bharatt’s disappearance

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Renewed call for women to be armed with non-lethal weapons following Bharatt’s disappearance

The kidnapping of 22-year-old Andrea Bharatt has prompted calls once again for women to be allowed to arm themselves with non-lethal weapons.

Speaking at a press conference yesterday, Oropouche East Opposition MP Dr Roodal Moonilal addressed the issue as he hoped for Bharatt’s safe return.

Pointing to the level of crime in the country, Dr Moonilal noted that Police Commissioner Gary Griffith had previously suggested that citizens be allowed access to non-lethal weapons such as pepper spray or Tasers.

He recalled that Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley at the time said expert advice was needed on the matter but lamented that to date, there has been no progress.

He called on the Government to make the necessary legislative amendments to protect who he described as “vulnerable women”.

He added that while it may not solve the issue of violence against women, it can give some potential victims a chance at survival.

Courtesy Power 102fm