Public servants likely to get backpay along with their December salaries

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Public servants likely to get backpay along with their December salaries

Government hopes to give public servants their backpay along with their December salaries.

That’s according to Public Administration Minister Allyson West.

West, according to a Newsday report, said Government always intended for the backpay to come together with the month’s salary on December 19th.

According to the Minister, special attention is being focused on the Ministry of Education as it works toward the deadline.

She told the media house: “It continues to be challenging because the Ministry of Education in particular has a significant number of teachers on their payroll but we are, as I said, working with them to try and get it done. So fingers crossed we will get there.”

She reminded that all public servants will not benefit from the back pay but rather those categories who accepted and settled outstanding negotiations.