Over 20,000 Persons To Benefit From Commissioned New Freeport Wells

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Over 20,000 Persons To Benefit From Commissioned New Freeport Wells

21,000 persons in Freeport and environs will benefit from the recently commissioned  new Freeport Wells #19 and 20, along with California Well #3, which was converted from a non-producing to a producing water source.

This has boosted water production at the Freeport Water Treatment Plant by one million gallons per day , from 2.5 to 3.5 MGD.

These improvements have resulted in a significant improvement in supply to residents who can now expect to receive a water supply that ranges from 24/7 to 24/4, instead of the one in nine days, that some customers received previously.

The Authority assures its customers throughout Trinidad and Tobago that every effort is being made to provide an adequate water supply, to meet the needs of our citizens as they prepare for the Divali celebrations.