There is no stoppage in the processing of applications for Funeral Assistance Grant, to eligible recipients.
This position is made clear by the Ministry of Social Development and Family Services.
It explains this grant is required in times of grief and emergency.
The Ministry notes it continues to enhance systems and processes to ensure clients have a seamless experience.
The public was assured the Ministry remains fervent in the discharge of its remit to provide consistent and reliable safety nets to all vulnerable persons living in Trinidad and Tobago, leaving no one behind.
Persons requiring the Funeral Assistance/ Grant, may visit the Social Welfare Office closest to where they reside, to determine eligibility or contact the Ministry toll free at 800 – 1MSD (1673).
Anyone being told by staff of the Social Welfare Division that this grant has been stopped or discontinued, can make a report at 623-2608 Ext. 5612.