NCC Chairman: Punish those guilty of defacing property during Carnival!

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NCC Chairman: Punish those guilty of defacing property during Carnival!

Let the law take its course and penalize those responsible for defacing property during carnival celebrations.

This is the view of Chairman of the National Carnival Committee Winston “gypsy” Peters, who was a guest on the Power Breakfast Show this morning.

It has become a customary thing to see the walls and other aspects of private property damaged and defaced after Carnival Monday and Tuesday.

Masqueraders and revellers have also been known to urinate on people’s property and damage vehicles.

This costs owners thousands of dollars to repair from their own pockets, only to face the same situation the following year.

Peters said that revellers must be made to pay.

He said revellers are well aware to refrain from engaging in such destructive action especially since they do not engage in such activities in other countries.

He said that it is a burgeoning problem that must be dealt with as it places unfair and financial burden on property owners.

He also stated that their actions also traverse the law.