MSJ tells Warner don’t besmirch name of Nelson Mandela

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MSJ tells Warner don’t besmirch name of Nelson Mandela

While UNC has opened the doors to accommodating smaller parties, one party that was once a member of the People’s Partnership coalition – the Movement for Social Justice (MSJ), has vowed that it will not work with the UNC ever again.

MSJ leader David Abdulah also disagreed with Jack Warner’s statement on Monday night, where he attempted to liken Kamla Persad-Bissessar to Nelson Mandela.

Abdulah said: “I really think we need not to besmirch the name of Nelson Mandela who put his life on the line, engaged in a conflict with South Africa’s racist apartheid state, was in prison for life, spent 27 years on Robben Island doing hard labour. How can you compare that track record of struggle to free people with something that the current leader of the Opposition may or may not have done? It’s chalk and cheese.”