Mickela Panday’s Patriotic Front to contest 41 seats in 2025

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Mickela Panday’s Patriotic Front to contest 41 seats in 2025

Mickela Panday launched her campaign for the 2025 general elections, saying that her political party, the Patriotic Front,  will contest all 41 seats in the election. She said nominations will open on May 27. Commemorating what would have been her father’s 91st birthday and the fifth anniversary of her party, the Patriotic Front, she also commissioned her party office at Twin Walls on Saturday.

Panday, addressing the capacity hall opened the doors for persons seeking to serve: “We seek candidates who will listen to the people, who will be a true voice for their constituents in the halls of power. If you believe in our values and are passionate about serving your constituency, we encourage you to step forward.”

She also took time to pay tribute to her late father, former Prime Minister Basdeo Panday who died on January 1.

She said the time is right now and added: “People have been calling for it. I do not believe that politicians and political parties must hoist themselves on the people. The people must call and they’re calling.”