Kamla: PM more concerned with criminals than with the ordinary citizens!

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Kamla: PM more concerned with criminals than with the ordinary citizens!

The Prime Minister is more concerned with criminals than with the ordinary citizens.

This is the assertion of Opposition Leader Kamla Persad Bissessar who says that Dr Keith Rowley is more concerned with the criminals who are invading homes that with citizen’s safety.

She made the comments while speaking at UNC LGE 2023 Meeting at the Penal Secondary School last evening.

A week ago at another party meeting the Opposition Leader called on home-owners to fight fire with fire and “light up” the criminals.

She has since been taken to task by Prime Minister Rowley who described her comments as reckless and irresponsible.

Despite calls for her to rescind and apologise for her comments Persad – Bissessar doubled down insisting it is the only way to deal with criminals entering someone’s property.

Last night was no different.

She insisted that Dr Rowley did not want to support stand your ground legislation because he had 24/7 protection.

She also turned her attention to what she described as the unfair treatment of those working in the protective services by the Government.

She called for officers to have licensed protection while not on duty and higher salaries.