Kamla: Eid-ul-Adha shows that sacrifice can restore and rebuild a nation in peril.

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Kamla: Eid-ul-Adha shows that sacrifice can restore and rebuild a nation in peril.

Opposition leader, Kamla Persad-Bissessar has extended wishes to the Muslim Community throughout our nation as they celebrate the auspicious and holy observance of Eid-ul-Adha.

In a statement today, she said:
Eid-ul-Adha, which commemorates Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his only son Ismail upon the command of Allah, teaches us the power of sacrifice based on the love for God and more importantly, faith in always being obedient to God.

This year as we face dire circumstances in every aspect of national life as never seen before, Eid -ul-Adha shows that sacrifice can restore and rebuild a nation in peril.

Like Prophet Ibrahim we are called to make individual sacrifices to those close to us in an effort to save the lives and welfare of others, especially the less fortunate, who have been deeply affected by the ongoing pandemic. As a people we are called to sacrifice our individual goals and put the goals of our community and country before all, so we can ensure a brighter future.

This message must be echoed even louder within the halls of power, as we ensure that those in authority end any selfish objectives and focus on what is best for our country.

Importantly, as Prophet Ibrahim demonstrated, we must always obey God even when these commands seem tough because, in the end, he always rewards us or offers salvation. Today I call on our citizens, keep faith and obedience in God as we persevere through these tough times.
To our Muslim friends, while you may not be able to perform Qurbani or acts of sacrifice and charity as you usually do, we applaud your consistent efforts of goodness towards our nation.